More than seven years ago 3rd and 9th Runcorn Scout Group had to stop using their hut in Moughland Lane when the floor collapsed and the building became unsafe to use.
The group set about raising money to renovate the building by organising bingo evenings, car boot sales, bag packing at the local supermarkets and various sponsored events involving the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers.
A major breakthrough was made when Halton Borough Council’s Funding Officer Agnes Smith, introduced the group to Richard Smith from WREN who agreed that the renovation work could qualify for a grant from the Landfill Communities Funds generated by FFC Environment Ltd. The renovation work was then designed and a grant application to be sent to WREN. Halton Borough Council gave a grant of £5000 towards the costs and helped in preparing the grant application to WREN which was successful.
The renovation work commenced in January 2013 and was completed in time for the Cubs to hold their first meeting back in the building in September. The building is now also available to other local community groups. The 3rd and 9th Runcorn Scout Group would like to express thier sincere thanks to WREN, FCC Environment and Halton Borough Council for making the work possible and letting them return.