Meeting times
Squirrels (4 – 6) – Wednesday, 18:00 – 19:00
Beavers (6 – 8) – Tuesday, 18:30 – 19:30
Cubs (8 -10 ½) – Thursday, 18:30 – 20:00
Scouts (10 ½ – 14) – Monday, 19:00 – 21:00
Scouts for 14-18 year olds is provided through the Explorer section
Emma Cummings – Group Lead Volunteer
Interested in joining us?
If you would like your child to join a group or unit in Mersey Weaver, please enter your/your child’s details in the form below. Your details will be stored in Online Scout Manager, which we use to manage youth members across the District.
Please be aware that, by entering your details below, you are permitting Mersey Weaver Scout Council to store and share the information supplied (with Scout Groups within Mersey Weaver) in order to assist in finding your child a place.
Scouting in Mersey Weaver is entirely volunteer led, with thousands of hours donated weekly by over 400 adult volunteers, please consider joining us.
It’s a long form but…
… we’ll transfer this information to the group you eventually join so rest assured there won’t be any more forms to fill in!
What happens next?
Once you’ve filled in the form we’ll check if there’s room in the group/unit you’ve requested. If there is then we’ll transfer your details to them and a leader will be in touch letting you know when you can start.
If there’s no room we will let you know and will try your second choice, or offer you an alternative.
You will have the option to stay on the waiting list until a space becomes available at your chosen group/unit if this is what you prefer.
Already on our Joining List?
Check if you are already on our joining list and whether or not you have an estimated start date.
Find other local groups & units
- Search by Postcode
- Aquila Explorers (Widnes)
- Beacon Explorers (Frodsham)
- Cestrian Explorers (Runcorn)
- Young Leader Unit
- 3rd Frodsham Sea Scouts
- 4th Frodsham (Overton)
- 1st Halton
- 1st Helsby
- 1st Ince and Elton
- 1st Moore
- 1st Newton and Kingsley
- 1st Norley
- 3rd and 9th Runcorn
- 4th Runcorn
- 6th Runcorn
- 1st Weston and Weston Point
- 4th Widnes (St Bedes)
- 8th Widnes
- 10th Widnes (Hough Green)
- 12th Widnes (St Lukes)
- 14th Widnes
Volunteer with 1st Halton!
Calling all tea makers, tidy-uppers, activity planners, minibus drivers, camp cooks, first aiders, future leaders or any one else for that matter!
We’re always on the look out for more volunteers for as little or as much time as you can spare to enable more young people to gain Skills for life.
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