As you know The Scout Association helps over 450,000 young people enjoy new adventures, gain confidence and have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Not only does the Movement offer 6 to 25-year-olds fun and challenging activities, we also…
District Scout Network Launches 17th October 2015
If you are in the age range 17-25 then join us on the 17th October 2015 to launch our new District Scout Network.
A Million Hands
Half a million young people committed to removing social barriers, connecting communities and improving lives. What is A Million Hands? It’s a Community Impact campaign which reflects our ambition by 2018 to mobilise from europe half a million people across…
Mersey Weaver World Scout Jamboree Contingent in Japan
It official our WSJ2015 contingent are in Japan! Keep update thought the Cheshire Scout page or the Facebook page for each unit: Like Cheshire Unit (Unit 58) on Facebook Like The Stripes (Unit 57) on Facebook Like Connect4 (Unit 70) on Facebook
Mersey Weaver District Trek 2015 – What was it all about?
Congratulations to all those 10-12 year old Scouts who participated in 2nd Mersey Weaver District Trek held over 18th and 19th July 2015. On Saturday the participants hiked to Queen Charlotte’s Wood where they took part in wide games and…
District AGM – 29th April 2015
Have your say, and vote, at the Annual General Meeting of Mersey Weaver District Scout Council on 29th April 2015, 7:30pm for 7:45pm start. Location: Events Hall, The Heath Conference Centre, Runcorn, Cheshire Displays by Explorers and WSJ Contingent. Light refreshments…
New Network and Explorer Comissioners
Mersey Weaver has a new Explorer Scout Commissioner and Network Commissioner Designate!! Rob Council becomes our District Explorer Scout Commissioner (DESC). He is currently the Section Leader for Griffon Network and is also an Assistant Leader at Aquila Explorers. Joana Sousa will become…
Merry Christmas!
From everyone at Mersey Weaver District Scouts, we’d like to wish you a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. We look forward to continuing our big adventure into 2015.
Cheshire Forest & Mersey Weaver Spring Ball
Cheshire Forest Guides and Mersey Weaver District are holding a joint Spring Ball to raise funds for Girls Take Action and the Jamboree Contingent. It will be held on the 28th March 2015 with tickets priced at £35 each. The…
DC's Blog: 4 New Volunteers
One of the more rewarding aspects of my role is coming along to appointments interviews and welcoming new volunteers to our District. And so I found myself at 4th Runcorn’s HQ last Thursday evening where 4 new leaders were joining…