Community Recipe Swap

Connecting with our community

Elderly people living in our community have been hit incredibly hard by the current global pandemic. That’s why we have partnered with Home Instead a local organisation who provide care for elderly people who live at home in Frodsham, Runcorn and Widnes. We’ve asked young people to get involved in our community ‘Recipe Swap’ project and brighten up the lives of isolated members of our community.

What’s the idea?

All young people have to do is share a short video their favourite baking recipe, as well as what and why it means something to them/their family as well as the finished product!

Home Instead will then carry out the same process with some of their residents and organise for the recipes to be swapped by putting a film together, returning the full film for groups to share with your sections either via social media or in your virtual meetings.

At what is a very lonely time for an already isolated group of people, we think this is a really easy and meaningful way that we can connect our young people with the older generation. 

How sections can get involved

You could turn this into a meeting one night and talk about the importance of memories, food, social gatherings, communities sharing stories and family history. Equally its something that you could send to your young people to complete remotely.

  • You could ask your Beaver, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers to find a family baking recipe and think about who, what, when and why it means so much to them
  • You could ask them to film a 1-2 mins film of them introducing the recipe in their uniform
    • Hello my first name is…
    • This is my family recipe for… 
    • This means so much to me because…
    • Here are the ingredients you need…
    • I bought them from our local…
    • Here is the finished cake etc etc…
  • Leaders/parents can then send your short films in to us so Home Instead can do the editing!

If possible it would be great if video recipes could be submitted by the end of March but submissions will be accepted after then as well.

Guidance for adults


  • Don’t share contact details of Home Instead directly with young people, to minimise their opportunity to make direct contact.
  • Don’t allow a young person to have unsupervised one-to-one contact with another adult – this includes by letter, email, phone chat functions or video.
  • Don’t allow anything to be addressed to the young person, any and all correspondence and communication should be addressed to an adult (parent/carer or youth leader).
  • Don’t include personal information like your surname or address etc.
  • Don’t ask any personal questions about a care home residents health or medical impact of the coronavirus.
  • Don’t record videos where personal information or sensitive information is on display, or inappropriate clothing is worn.
  • Don’t include personal information about a young person like their surname, address, social media profile etc.


  • Do include only basic personal information (first name, age of the young person, town you live in).
  • Do supervise young people when they’re writing their letters, drawing their pictures or recording their messages to make sure they’re not disclosing any private/personal information and that all content is appropriate. Make sure young people are dressed suitably for any video messages.
  • Do check of videos before sending them to make sure everything is appropriate and doesn’t disclose any sensitive personal information. If this does happen, remove the offending section if possible or ask the young person to change what they’ve recorded, explaining why it’s not appropriate.
  • Do always supervise young people when taking part in cooking.
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Would you like to have a bigger impact on your local community? Or perhaps you’ve like some support getting an existing project of the ground? Why not drop out ADC Community Impact, Ali Wheeler an email?

Upload your video recipe