Sometimes we all need a bit of a hand to do better. The review process gives us the opportunity to do just that.
A review in Scouting is simply an opportunity to look at what has happened since someone started their role, or since their last review, and to see what further support and guidance they might need. It should not be confused with the performance appraisals that many people have experienced at work.
Formal and informal reviews help ensure adults feel supported as they develop local Scouting.
A formal review of an appointment must take place at the end of each appointment period (a maximum of five years), or earlier if required by the relevant Lead Volunteer. It can also take place at other times if the line manager thinks it is needed.
An informal review is held at least annually, to build on the discussions you have during the year. It is a chance to take stock and plan for the future.
A review with someone who is doing well is a much easier prospect than one with someone who really isn’t performing as we would like but difficult reviews, if properly carried out, are much more powerful in making Scouting better.
These links in the National Scouts website will help you follow formal review process procedures:
Review guidance
POR: the appointment process – the key rules for the review process. The rule regarding the timing of the review is 5(b) and requires a formal review at the end of each period of the appointment (or earlier if required by the relevant Lead Volunteer).
Dealing With Difficult Situations – guide to help you develop management skills for the review process.
Dealing with Difficult Reviews – some tips on how to tackle difficult reviews
Review process
The form below should be used to record the formal appointment review meetings. Once complete, a copy will be sent to the appointments secretary for the appointments committee to consider.