- This event has passed.
Wheatsheaf Postal Shooting Competition 2024
1st February 2024 - 30th June 2024

The Wheatsheaf postal league, run by Mersey Weaver Target Sports Team, is open to all Cubs, Scouts, Explorers in Cheshire. It is currently only for the Sporter Air Rifle discipline at 6 yards and runs February to June 2024.
Age categories:
Junior : under 10 (as of 1st March 2024)
Intermediate: 10 -14 (as of 1st March 2024)
Senior: 14-17 years (as of 1st March 2024)
Shooters may enter any one of the following classes :
Six Yard Sporter Air Rifle (.177) 6 yard – PCP
Six Yard Sporter Air Rifle (.177) 6 yard – Springer
The cards from February and March will be used to produce a shooters ranking list for each class. Then, dependent on entry numbers, each of those classes will be split into divisions, and the cards for March to June inclusive will make up the competitive league from which medals will be awarded for 1st place and depending on numbers entered 2nd/3rd place. Ranking will be based on the best 3 months witnessed cards submitted over the period March – June.
All other shooters who complete and return on time all their league cards will receive a competitor’s certificate to acknowledge their achievement. Scouts can use this as evidence of taking part in a formal competition for their Master At Arms badge.
Note: Mersey Weaver Youth members can book onto the District Open Shoot sessions and shoot their competition cards during their booked Open shoot sessions.
You must login/register an account before being able to purchase tickets. The collected information is required to register entrants and manage the competition.
Full guidance/rules can be viewed/downloaded from this link.
Summary of Rules
Under 10’s shoot all their entries bench resting (U10BR). Those 10 and over must shoot using the standing position.
Shooters will shoot 20 competition shots, per entry, each month. NSRA 7/89 (6 yard air rifle) targets must be used. Shooters will put 2 shots on each of the 5 diagrams on the target, i.e. 10 per target, 2 targets.
PRIOR to shooting : targets must have CLEARLY written on the front of them:
The competitors name (first and surname);
Group/Unit name;
The wording “SAR”(PCP) or “SAR”(Springer) to denote the class;
Position being used (Standing/BR), and
1 or 2 for the order in which the cards are to be shot.
On the rear of the card, the Range Officer must sign their name behind the centre of the centre bull and print their name.
All the above must be on the card before it is used.
ONCE SHOT: to agree the card is a correctly shot valid entry, the Range Officer must:
Sign the witness box; and
add the date.
The cards are not to be scored or pellet holes gauged except by competition organisers.
All targets must be shot and have a sent date no later than the penultimate day of the month to the competition organiser. A participant is allowed 1 late entry over the competition period , providing that the missed month’s cards are submitted with the following month’s cards (i.e if you missed April then April’s missing cards can be shot and submitted with May’s cards).