Youth Forum

Ensuring young people have a voice

Young people working in partnership with adults in Scouting, has always been something we have been proud of. Youth Shaped Scouting not only improves the way we Scout, but also the young people involved. Learning to speak up, be heard and work towards improving something you are passionate about is an incredible learning experience for the youngest Beaver right the way through to our eldest Network member

We want every young person to have the opportunity to shape their experience. Youth Shaped Scouting is about young people shaping their own adventure, taking on responsibility, developing skills, making decisions and influencing their own Scout Programme.

In 2015 we relaunched our District Youth Forum to be more inclusive and a better representation of our Youth Membership.

The Forum is a sub-committee of the District Trustee Board. It takes on the responsibility of representing the whole youth membership within the District, and providing a voice for all young people at an influential level.

It takes responsibility for special projects or activities as requested by the District Lead Volunteer and/or the Trustee Board (proposals for action from the Forum are strongly encouraged).

We’d like to encourage every youth member of the District to be apart of the youth forum, you do not have to be elected or commit to attending every single one – in fact its always interesting to hear opinions from a a wide range of people and not necessarily the same group of people each time. Any one who would like to attend will be made to feel welcome.

As well as our own forum we also have a number of representatives who attend the County Youth Forum

Youth Commissioner

  • District Youth Lead – Grace Wheeler
  • District Youth Lead – Ethan Finlay

Elected 18-25 County representatives

  • Jack Clemson
  • Jack Woodward
  • Jess Pickstock
  • Ella Pickstock

Scout/Explorer County representatives

  • Scarlett Foggin
  • Jess Pickstock
  • James Barrowcliff

Interested in participating in the Youth Forum?

Join Youth Forum

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