After a tough interview process, I am absolutely delighted to announce that Jake Vickery has agreed to take on the role of District Youth Commissioner for Mersey Weaver. Thanks to all the other candidates who applied it was a super close call.

Young people working in partnership with adults in Scouting, has always been something we have been proud of. Youth Shaped Scouting not only improves the way we Scout, but also the young people involved. Learning to speak up, be heard and work towards improving something you are passionate about is an incredible learning experience for the youngest Beaver right the way through to our eldest Network member.

Jake was formerly an Explorer Scout at Aquila ESU and before turning 18, a young leader at 8th Widnes. Jake has a real passion about empowering young people to shape their Scout experience and I am really looking forward to the exciting work he has planned for us all in the months to come.

One of the things Jake is most excited about is building a robust youth forum and you shape team. The team will visit groups to help run forums and activities and even commission their own projects.

Are you aged between 15 and 25? Are you interested in shaping Scouting in your District then please get in touch with Jake